Rode along the mountain ranges that run through this part of Montana and just sat back with some tunes and enjoyed the ride. I remember this section seeming to take forever to cover. It just seemed like it would never end. But not this time. Plenty of scenery to look at and a bike that just ate up the road.
Arrived in West Yellowstone in about 3 hours or so time. I'm fairly certain it took us a smidge longer the last time. Still a bustling little town. I called down to Jackson Hole Cycles to see if I could get the bike in tomorrow for an oil change. I figured I'd be down in Jackson around 4 so they suggested that I just come in at that point. Sounds good, that gives me about 4 or more hours to get there, plenty of time. Or so I thought.
Entered into the park and figured I'd ride around the lake. Then I remember how awfully large and awfully slow traveling through the park was. Bad choice.
Not long after entering the park I was in stop dead traffic. The bison were on the move and traveling all along this side of the park.
After everyone got their pictures (you can't imagine what lengths people go through to get a picture) traffic got moving again. Quickly followed up by stopped traffic. This time it was a very large bull bison walking right down the center line. Let me tell you, that was not a pleasant experience. Here is a VERY large animal walking within two feet of my space and these are skiddish creatures. I envisioned this thing swing its head right at me and either goring me or toppling me and the bike over. No picture because there were going to be no sudden moves and I wanted both hands on the controls in case I needed to make an emergency maneuver.
After that experience, I threw the video camera on. Again, shortly up the road, the same thing. Oy.
Finally got moving and I started looking at the time. Crap, if I make to Jackson by 4 I'll be amazed! I made a bone headed move by trying to go around the lake. So I pushed the speed limit in the park and I decided this day would be a scouting mission instead.
Got out of the park around 2:45 and thought that there might be hope yet. But there were no roads outside of the national park because I went right into Grand Teton National Park. Luckily the speeds picked up there and it looked like I was going to make just by 4.
(Look at the lovely weather)
Got to the dealership and apparently there was some other work going on. As I later found out, a gentleman touring from Virgina had his drive bearing on his Rocket III go bad and they had apparently been working most of the day on this. After waiting approximately an hour the bike finally went in for work. Now, I'm not upset about this at all. This is last minute stuff and working on the kindness of the garage. I pay up and head outside. Oil drips on the ground. I think "well, maybe it's just left over stuff" and I roll out. I pull into my motel's entry and go inside to get my room key and come out to the bike. More oil drips. I see it's seeping out by the drain plug. I know exactly what is causing it, they didn't replace the crush washer that goes on the drain plug. It's now 6 o'clock, they're closed for the day and I'm utterly exhausted from riding straight from West Yellowstone to Jackson Hole nonstop.
Tomorrow I'll go over and see if they'll fix it, if not, I'll have them give me a new crush washer and I'll fix it myself. So who knows what tomorrow will bring. I don't need another leak on the bike! One is plenty thank you.
As you can see..not many pics today. The afternoon was kind of a bust due to my poor choice of route through the park. Oh well.
Today's Pics
So right after your oil change it started leaking right there on the ground? Geez - are you sure that wasn't a Carman's tire you stopped at in Jackson Hole?
All in all, it looks like the start of another stellar week with the exception of the oil change.
However, an optimist may look at this new drip as an automatic chain oiler rather than an oil change gone bad.
Tip for the day: If you change the oil yourself in order to access the washer, don't use a plastic Wal-Mart bag to catch the oil!
[Note: Bill Noll and I may or may not still appear on wanted posters in Kansas for a previous roadside repair using such a drainpan.]
Be sure to visit the million dollar cowboy bar while you're in Jackson!
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