Oh, one more thing before I roll on with the rest of the day. The non-functioning right headphone ear bud from yesterday. I decided I'd take a look at it last night and see if I could figure out what was wrong with it. I plugged it into the laptop and I had sound in it, but it was faint. After further trial and error, I remembered that there were filters on the speakers and thought I'd try and replace it. Well, the headphones are functioning properly again. I think there were other circumstances, since it did not work at all earlier in the day.
Alright, enough of the stuff that was broken and onto the day. Another gorgeous day out. Bright blue sky and a few fluffy white clouds. Beautiful temps in the 50s in the morning and really comfortable riding all day.
Rolled on through the rest of Nevada down 395 and came on into California. Almost there to the halfway point. Not sure how I feel about that right now. It feels like I've been on the road for a month already. It's not that I'm tired of the trip or anything like that. It's just the world I'm living in right now. Me, the bike, and the road. Sometimes it is hard to believe I'm here on the west coast and have seen the things I've seen in the past two weeks.
Regardless, welcome to California in Mono county!
It was a weird transition from the past couple of days. I had gotten used to seeing nothing but desert, sage brush, and rocky hills. Now I was seeing green grass and green trees again. Almost felt like home again..but not quite. There were still these things poking about.
I rolled through a really nice canyon before that last picture. It just winding around the base of some mountains with a raging river right beside. It was just a taste of the sites that were to come later on.
After rolling up out of the canyon (and many temptations for hanging a right onto two well known mountain passes) I pressed on to Bridgeport and topped off the tank. Paid the most I've ever paid for gas; $4.89/gallon (That's alright though, the Tiger sips fuel). 91 octane was $5.03. So I guess you can say I've seen five dollar gas.
After a fill up, I arrived at a beautiful lookout over Mono Lake. Take a look at the day on hand. You can't ask for better weather.
Stopped off in Lee Vining, CA for lunch. A nice tasty BBQ Pork sandwich, fries, and some macaroni salad. Sounds tasty, but add that on to being on a deck looking out over Mono Lake. Perfect. While I was there, one of the other motorcyclists I see pull in is a true traveler. I'm fairly certain his license plate was from Switzerland. Top notch!
After lunch, I headed up the road just a little bit and started up the Tioga Pass and towards the entrance to Yosemite National Park.
Such an incredible front door to the national park. What a feeling of insignificance being amongst these granite giants. The same "WOW"s of the Colorado passes were back. The pictures just don't do it justice.
Eventually wound my way up to the park entrance and checked in. I think the last time I was in Yosemite I was 11 years old. What a welcome back the park gave me.
It seems nothing is small in Yosemite, including its trees. Home to the giant Sequoia. The proportions of these trees are something else. The tower above you make you feel like a dwarf.
Here's a little something to try and help you for scale (and this is a small one):
Took a nice little break here to take in the wonderful sites and to relax some. There was plenty to look at all around. Some big things...
..and the small things (which I didn't have the camera on me) such as some marmots and even a tiny little lizard hopping around on the rocks. Another nice peaceful moment.
Rode on into the main draw to the park. The falls and Half Dome.
(Bridal Veil Falls)
The final view back over the valley. It really is something that just doesn't seem quite real when you look at it. Even in person it doesn't look real.
(Click for a much larger version. My favorite of the trip so far.)
So here's an update on total miles so far:
(No, I didn't go 200+ miles an hour)
Today's Pics
Had not checked your site since I spoke with you on Thursday. Took me the last hour to catch up with your ride and viewing your pictures. I would agree that your shot in Yosemite was your best yet. Boy, you just can't get tired of that kind of scenery! The scale! And by the way...Nevada...yuck. You think you'd come visit me there?
I had the link messed up with the last Yosemite picture, so I fixed it. It should now show the larger version.
Sis, if you move there I'm sure I'll come visit..even if you would be one of those "west coasters" then..haha!
Hey, it would even give me a chance to explore that part of Utah that I missed too :)
The coastline is beautiful! Tempted to dip your toes?
Give me a call while you're doing your laundry.
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