Well, not much to post here today. I got home late last night (~2:30AM) and promptly fell asleep. Again, nice warm bed and tired from all the walking around earlier in the day led me to sleep pretty well. So I woke up about 11:30AM and slowly dragged myself out of bed.
Two things of note. On Thursday I had noticed a slight rub on the back of my left ankle. I thought nothing of it and felt a small blister there when I went to bed Thursday night. As I was getting ready to meet up with my friend on Friday afternoon, I noticed these little red crescents around the floor. What is that coming from? Then I noticed it was everywhere I stepped. Looks like the back of my foot had bled a little and ran through the sock. So I mopped up the floor, changed socks, put on a band-aid and switched over to wearing my sneakers. No more sore walking!
Second thing of note. I believe I'm coming down with a cold. I'm hoping like hell that holds off until I get home tomorrow night. I dread the thought of having to travel 8 hours with the start of a cold.
So as for today, I decided to lay low and just rest (feeling a bit under the weather and all) and pack everything up and be ready to roll tomorrow. Adrienn's parents are letting me stay with them for the evening and her father will take me to the airport tomorrow morning.
I had hoped to get some items to bring home with me today, but the shops were pretty much closed..it being Sunday and New Year's Day. Drat.
All said, this was a great time. I had a lot of fun and got to see a lot of amazing sites and experience something I will not likely forget. As I walked over to my friend's one last time tonight, I just looked around and listened. Different cars, different sounds (even the crows sound a little different), and the different styles of buildings. It's all foreign but doesn't seem so unfamiliar any more. I wonder if I've taken that for granted or not? I like to think that I haven't wasted an opportunity here.
In the past few days I've seen and been a part of much. A building from the 11th century, seen the ugly scars from the remnants of an unpleasant past and been warmly welcomed (and very well fed) by a family of a friend.
It is strange though, I find that I look forward to coming home but, at the same time I wish I could stay a little longer to see just a little more. But, I think that was my whole idea for the duration of this trip. Satisfy the need for adventure but still leave myself wanting more.
Until I'm in America again...good night!